Wendy Etter uses the scientific method to examine the structures that bind us together and pull us apart.
Wendy was raised in a Southern CA truck stop town aside a large Mormon community and an abundance of meth suppliers. Her father was a LAPD officer and evangelical pastor, her mother, a rehabilitation nurse. Her two enchanted daughters and dry witted husband are three of her beloved guides.
She is honored to be a member of the Scientific Intuition Network, a Limited Liability Company supporting the partially blind.
Wendy here: Table Manor is a piece I started at the end of 2019 but I don’t really know what to do with it anymore. For now, here it has been sitting, in fragments and unfinished. I could use some help with it. Meanwhile I've been making playlists on Spotify and lately they're connecting with YouTube. We'll see where it goes. It's a bit of a web. If you can figure it out we'll be friends forever.